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When sorrows like sea billows roll....

Psalm 33:20

We wait in hope for the Lord, he is our help and our shield.

This valley of grief can be deep and wide. We played a song called “It is well with my soul” at Joey’s funeral. It was a more modern version of the old classic.

The original author of this song was Horatio Spatford

In October 1871 the Chicago Fire destroyed most of his investment. 2 years later he and his wife and 4 daughters were planning a trip to England to hear DL Moody preach. Unfortunately Horatio wasn’t able to travel with his family so he sent his wife and 4 daughters ranging in age from 18 mos to 12 years on a ship ahead of him. The ship struck an iron sailing vessel and 226 were lost at sea including his their four daughters. His wife who survived sent a telegram from England that simply said “saved alone”. He boarded a ship to go to England to be with his wife as they both grieved a devastating loss.

He was inspired to write this while passing over the spot where his daughter’s would have drowned.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way;

When sorrows like sea billows roll;

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,

It is well, it is well with my soul.

These words that Horatio penned while at sea just make so much sense once you experience grief. The Peace like a River that attendeth your way doesn’t sounds like is makes sense but it truly does. The world is rushing by you as you are in a sort of pause of peace deeply processing your loss and your memories. Your sorrows do roll like sea billows for sure but the release brings with it yet again an unexplainable peace. I pray that you are able to find that place where it is well with your soul.

The ocean has such a special place in my heart as my childhood for the most part was spent near it. Learning about riptides, low tides, high tides and wave cycles all further your respect for the sea. It’s sheer power and vast expanse is extraordinary. It’s easy to see what Horatio meant but Sea Billows roll. As he was on a ship likely facing some sea billow, he could easily equate that to the rollercoaster of emotions he was experiencing in those moments.

When at the beach as a child, one of my favorite activities to do in the ocean was to go in about chin deep and stand straight up. Let the waves roll in and out and remain standing as the sand would be washed away under your feet and then the powerful wave would come through pushing your feet back. Those sea billows trying so hard to knock you over but the game was to stand firm for me.

How like our grief journey and faith is this? When life throws you an unexpected disappointment, you may have a faith you rely on but that grief will come at you like a strong wave trying to knock you away from your faith and sending you into despair and disappointment. It’s a battle to hold onto that faith in these moments. The questions, the guilt, the regret, the perpetual sadness can all be barriers to your hope through faith.

God can carry your story no matter how heavy it feels for you.

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted

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