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  • Writer's picturemlematuza1

The Ache

oh the pain how I feel it deep within my heart

A pain that makes it clear we are for now apart

Oh the longing how I feel it deep within my soul

A longing for your future and all your accomplished goals

Oh the tears how I feel them deep within my eyes

Tears passed on by your suffering and the lack of a goodbye

Oh the memories how I remember them so vividly and clear

Memories of the good times we had when you were here

Oh the joy how I remember it in that little boy

A son gone too soon that the fear did destroy

Oh the anger how I feel it against the stigma that you faced

A stigma that creates suffering in every single case

Oh the sounds of you how I miss being nearby

The laughter I can hear it but now it brings a cry

Oh the images I still cherish them every day

Those pictures capturing your life in the very best ways

Oh the peace how I feel it knowing where you are

Seeing you again someday though now it seems so far

Oh the why’s early on how I battled them each day

Wishing you could have turned to us in any possible way

I have yet a new understanding of this pain from within

Learning how to walk this path and where to begin

Oh the God that I rely on to carry me through

This journey of faith in trials always something I knew

He knows my every pain and feels my every ache

My God knows what I can handle and how much I can take

While I cannot explain the path for me at this very time

But I know my God can use this to let his light shine

Please know if you are in a valley of grief and get into those places where you feel as though you are so alone in your journey. You are not alone. I have met so many beautiful people who have loved and lost and are walking in this same valley. It’s dark and there are times it is so hard to see the light but look up, it’s there. Find someone who is ahead of you in their grief journey and allow their story to be encouragement for you in this deep dark valley.

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

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